FUNCTIONS Bring a Parent Event

FUNCTIONS Bring a Parent Event

Nov 28, 2022

CFW Community,

Exciting news! We will be hosting a “Bring A Parent Day” on Saturday, December 3rd for the Functions Class!

What is Functions?
The Functions program is a progressively balanced movement restoration program designed to help you achieve long term, sustainable health. We do this by making your body more functional, robust and resilient to injury.

Our classes are carefully designed to provide safe movement with appropriate progressions for your skill level, injury history, and most importantly, will deliver results.

Coaches will be with you every step of the way, prioritizing your movement mechanics (form & technique) at your own pace to stay safe and working towards your goals.

Whether you’re dealing with a limited range of motion, pain, OR any limitations, ALL movements are carefully scaled to a progression that works with your body, injury history, and skill level.

  • Do you have a friend or family member who you think might benefit in joining our Functions program?

  • Do they have an injury, movement limitation that’s holding them back from exercising?

  • Do you know someone who is struggling to stick to their health and fitness goals?

We would love to meet them!! Bring them with you to our first Functions event for a FREE and FUN opportunity to check out CFW, meet our awesome coaching team and amazing CFW community. We love our members and want to meet more of the people you love so bring a parent, friend, a co-worker or a family member on Saturday, December 3rd for the 9:45 am Class!

Here is how to register for the class!
Click HERE to sign up! CFW members can sign up the same as any other class but this is a free and open class so visiting friends and family can sign up too! Simply follow the prompts to create a Mindbody account if you’re new and you’ll be registered for our Functions Bring a Parent Day!
Looking forward to see you!