CFW Class Schedule Updates!

CFW Class Schedule Updates!

Aug 4, 2020

Hello CFW,

It is GRRRREAT to finally be back open and see all of your faces coming back in for a CFW WOD!  Now is the right time to give that immune system a much needed boost, and an opportunity to clear your mind with that legendary post WOD feeling.

As you may have noticed, our reopening came with a slightly different class schedule.  Below we will break down all of the changes, but first we want you all to know that nothing is final and we will adjust according to your feedback as always!

Reduced Schedule:  We have cut down the number of classes per day for a couple of reasons.  First, we needed some more time in between classes to make sure things are properly cleaned before the next class arrives.  Also, we needed that time for one class to exit the facility before the next class comes in to promote social distancing and a controlled capacity.  Finally on this topic, we thought some of you are out of your routines or still not fully comfortable with a return.  After being open for a couple of weeks now, our thoughts have been confirmed officially and our class sizes are still down from before the closure as expected.  As attendance goes up and there is a need for more classes, we will accommodate accordingly!

Express Classes Introduced:  We have added these to our schedule in the early mornings and the lunch time slots.  This is a 45 minute class instead of our traditional hour long classes.  We will still do the regular WOD at this time, however we may need to reduce the time spent on the “Skill” if there is one that day.  We have been toying with this idea for over a year now and before launching we spoke to many of you guys in the community with this idea and have received positive feedback.  We know the early morning and the lunch time crew can be tight for time as these are filled with people that are joining before or in the middle of their work day so we thought it would be a perfect time to test it out. Let us know what you think!

Closed Thursdays and Sundays:  With our new stringent cleaning regime and procedures, we will be taking these two days off for deeper cleans.  We picked these two days as they have historically been our slowest days.

Early Morning Updates:  Two weeks ago we reopened CFW with 6am on the schedule, and attendance has been too low (and even 0 some days) for us to keep it there for now.  We will bring it back, likely in September if we hear some of you want that slot back, and we see more people coming back and attendance grows.  We started with two express classes in the early time slots and now we will move to just one regular class in the early morning from 7-8am.

Thank you CFW Community for your patience with our schedule and our reopening procedures.  We are doing all we can to keep you safe, while having your health and fitness needs met.  As you guys hopefully know by now, these changes are only temporary and we NEED YOUR FEEDBACK in order to serve you guys best.  Let us know how you feel about the changes and what we can do to help serve you all better.

NEXT UP: We will be releasing more details and updates on all that we are doing during this time to keep you safe during this pandemic at CFW.  Stay tuned…

Chris V