August 2020 Newsletter Highlights

August 2020 Newsletter Highlights

Aug 17, 2020

In case you missed last weeks Newsletter email below are some of the updates from CFW.  If you would like to opt in for our Monthly newsletter just email us at and we will gladly add you to the list.


WE ARE FINALLY OPEN AGAIN AND IT FEELS GREAT! Seeing many of you returning to CFW, experiencing that “new guy” soreness all over again, and regaining all the benefits that come with your CFW routine has been amazing for us.  It has reminded us about why we love what we do.  We know that a lot of you are still a little delayed in your return.  You may be a little worried still about COVID, maybe you’re just having a hard time now that you got used to a new routine, or maybe you’re just away on a summer break.  Either way, we understand.  These are strange times and it may take a minute for us to get back to “normal”.  We are doing all we can to make your return easy, comfortable, and as safe as possible.  If anything, we hope these times have highlighted just how important it is to have a strong immune system… and that’s exactly what our goal is at CFW.  To boost your health.  Mental and physical health is what we deliver, and during this time one can argue that it’s what is needed most.  That’s why we want you guys back in action ASAP!  In this edition of our monthly newsletter we will go over some of those safety details, and add a feel good story of one of our members who’s had, and overcome, a number of obstacles in her life due to C19.

Chris V

CFW’s Top Re-Opening Priority is Keeping You Safe


Click HERE to read Eddies latest blog on some of the safety precautions we have implemented at CFW.

 CFW Class Schedule Updates


Click HERE to read our latest blog on our schedule updates.

We want to know what you think about our reopening schedule. We will be posting a quick survey with our Daily WOD postings soon for you to chime in on class times.  WE WILL BUILD OUR SCHEDULE BASED SOLELY ON YOUR FEEDBACK!  So if you want some changes, like what we offer, or have any suggestions please chime in next week.

Yaruby’s COVID 19 Experience


Reset and re-discovery is what I now call the year 2020. How can we forget? It stopped us. It stopped the world… But it also challenged us and made us look deeper inside ourselves, our tribe or community.

What moves my world is my family, my friends, and my community and part of it is the CFW community and great people I’ve met there.

Stress reached the highest for all with the pandemic, plus everything else we had in our plates. For me, it was being a full-time student and mom; plus work the lost my job. Yes, we all did it: freaked out, got fat, stress ate, we were sleep-deprived and binged watched anything. For me, however, the consequences were silent yet very painful. It was systemic inflammation due to poor diet and zero mobility trying to study as much as I could and finish my semester.  We all had to go through the cycles of whatever we were in.

I got tired of it, but I got a kick to reset with the CFW nutrition challenge. Yes, my newly formed habits were very unhealthy, and my body felt rusted from the lack of mobility. I missed my daily routines; I missed the best peeps at the box (the pre-breakfast peeps😉); and suddenly all was halted, even motivation. I no longer woke up so early…life had changed for me, for all of us. Our humanity needs a sense of belonging too and the confinement felt weird, I missed people, friends, family, my workout buddies, the routine. I saw the coaches here and there and asked WHEN IS THIS ENDING SO YOU CAN OPEN? I’m getting fat. I kept getting the same answer: I understand, this is a challenge for everyone, but just start moving, one step at a time, get online, see the videos we are publishing. I took the step. I began watching it. I also got a summer job and reality hit, my clothes were too tight (It was my sign to get my s[h]tuff together). I finally gave in to watch the right videos: the daily “Outside of the Box” workout routines. It helped a ton!  Even though I have never been a “watch a video and just do the exercise type of person”, I sure followed the coach’s guidance (it was the connection I had with them that kept me going). I had to work with what I had and felt the surge of energy to do more.

I felt every single squat for days and it was painful! I made good use of the detergent, the water and windshield washer fluid jars.  Paint cans were a blessing too until I borrowed some equipment from the gym and I saw the light again (thanks Eddie, you rocked my world 😉 – see my before and after equipment)… I am very grateful for the support.  Listening and following the instructions motivated me more and that was my confirmation that when there is a will, there is a way! I needed to lose the excess of beauty; I’d say this is my killer beauty and it has to be gone as I will continue to keep my health in check.

I began to learn more about Paleo foods, I followed Coach Chris’ instructions, especially the sleeping part, it made me an instant human… basic stuff we all know but forget easily to maintain. I love food and it must be very good, so I found new ways to make it exceptionally good and I found ways to season it here and there with all the right herbs and spices! I lost a size in and regained my ability to keep up, I need to maintain my endurance and I can feel the results now.

Thank you coaches for your support and the push we all need here and there to reach the best always!



Final Word

Some people like change in life, but most do not.  We are creatures of habit after all.  New routines, new obstacles, a new reality, and so much more “new” these days.  Lets look at some of these changes as an opportunity.  We now get to start over and recreate ourselves.

CFW came out of this struggle with a new Brand, a new strict cleaning policy, a new express class designed to suit those of us that could use the extra time before/during work, a new website (surprise!) to be released any day now, and so much more.  We also came out with a new determination to overcome the struggles (financial, increased overhead, loss of memberships, loans, and the list goes on) that we are dealing with due to this government mandated shut down.  We couldn’t have survived this time without you all, and for that we are very grateful.  We still have a long way to go however, but we will fight to grow once again, even during this time when there’s so much uncertainty.  Because what other choice do we have, when giving up is not an option?

What are you going to positively change?  Do you see obstacles or opportunities?  What doors does this situation open for you?  Are you forgetting how much we still have to be grateful for?  Lets all do our best to come out of this mentally stronger and physically healthier because what other option do we have?

On that note, see you soon! 😊

Chris V