Who’s Running with Us?
Who’s Running with Us???
Hey CFW! This has been a tough year of obstacles, but the most inspiring part has been seeing the community continue to push through. Through times of working out at home and coming to work out at the gym with no music, you keep digging deep to find the power to stick to your routines. I know it feels like we have overcome so many obstacles, so… why not actually train for, and run, an obstacle course!
A group of CFW coaches and members have challenged themselves to run an obstacle course and we have seen interest from other members so here is the information for ANYBODY that wants to join. We would love to have you join us!
Sign up information
Sign up through the Spartan Canada website: https://www.spartanrace.ca/en/race/detail/7331/overview
WHAT: Spartan ‘BEAST’ ½ marathon with 30 obstacles, Morning (non competitive) 10:15am preferred time slot
TEAM: Braun
WHEN: October 23, 2021
WHERE: Blue Mountain
25%off PROMO CODE: SRCAMB503 (There is also a discount available for first responders)
The race is not until October so you have lots of time to prepare! The weather is perfect to get running outside, and if you’re following the CFW programming, you’re already preparing in the perfect way, without even knowing!
We are hoping this inspires all of you, our members training at home and in the gym. Make this your reason to get moving, get outside, clean up your diet, and maybe step out of that comfort zone. Your CFW Coaching Team is here to help answer any questions you have about getting ready.
Training separately can be tough, but knowing that we will be taking on this challenge as a team will help with the isolation we have all been feeling, and may add some intensity to your workouts!
If you have any questions or issues signing up email Coach Linda: majstorovic30@gmail.com