WEDNESDAY // 1.5.2022
Jan 5, 2022
4 sets – For Quality (12 min)
30 sec Hollow Body PVC Pulldowns / 30 sec rest
30 sec Kip Swings / 30 sec rest
30 sec kipping pull-ups or CTB / 30 sec rest
Note: The focus of todays gymnastics work is to build strength and awareness in the shoulders. Focus on creating arches with your body rather than angles.
(2) WOD
3 Rounds – For Time (10 min)
6 Wallclimbs
15 Toes-to-bar
21 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)
Note: The goal of todays workout is to maintain midline control. Focus on maintaining a tall spine throughout all your movements.
WEEK 1/8
You can find the CFW Intent video, WOD and At home workout on SugarWod, the #1 functional fitness app for athletes, coaches and affiliates. It’s free for CFW members! Click HERE for more info.