TUESDAY // 11.16.2021

TUESDAY // 11.16.2021

Nov 16, 2021


(1) WOD
4 Rounds of
500/400m Row
12 Burpee Over Medball
Remaining Time
Max Wallballs (20/14)
– 3 minute rest –

Note: The goal of todays workout is to maintain a high intensity pace on each round. This workout is designed to build your aerobic endurance at high intensities. Work for your rest. The row should be completed under 2 minutes to allow you enough time to complete the burpees and clusters.

WEEK 8/12

You can find the CFW Intent video, WOD and At home workout on SugarWod, the #1 functional fitness app for athletes, coaches and affiliates. It’s free for CFW members! Click HERE for more info.