THURSDAY // 6.23.2022

THURSDAY // 6.23.2022

Jun 23, 2022


4 sets – For Quality (10 min)
5+5 Bulgarian Squats
5+5 Single Arm Kettlebell Press
Rest 30-45 sec

Note: The goal of the accessory work is to focus on activation and joint control.

(2) WOD
For Reps (20 min)
5 x AMRAP 3 / Rest 1 min
1+1 Turkish Get-up (24/16)
Remaining Time Complete As Many 50ft shuttle runs

Note: The goal of todays workout is to develop midline stability.

WEEK 3/8

You can find the CFW Intent video, WOD and At home workout on SugarWod, the #1 functional fitness app for athletes, coaches and affiliates. It’s free for CFW members!