FRIDAY // 1.28.2022

FRIDAY // 1.28.2022

Jan 28, 2022


E2MOM 10
Rx – 10-20 Handstand Push-ups
Intermediate – 10-20 Handstand Push-ups (2 matts)
Scaled – 10-20 Divebomber or Box Handstand Push-ups

Remaining time Bike or Row at a recovery pace

Note: The goal of todays gymnastics work is to build upper body muscle endurance. Each round should take 60 sec to complete your handstand push-ups and 60 sec to recovery on the bike. Use the bike or row to flush out your upper body before hitting the next set. Stick to body weight progressions.

(2) WOD
EMOM 15 – For Reps
1st – Row 250/200m
2nd – Max KBS (32/24)
3rd – Max Burpees

Note: The goal of todays workout is to build your aerobic threshold. Focus on playing with the edge of your threshold and finding what is your maximum sustainable pace. This will help you build your endurance and better learn how to pace for workouts.

WEEK 4/8

You can find the CFW Intent video, WOD and At home workout on SugarWod, the #1 functional fitness app for athletes, coaches and affiliates. It’s free for CFW members! Click HERE for more info.