CFW’s Safety Precautions and Boosted Cleaning Procedures
This cutting edge Fogger/Vaporizer is CFW’s latest investment to attack germs and keep us all safe. It negatively charges ions to kill 99.99% of bacteria and the microns maintain a negative charge up to 24 hours on a surface. We fog twice a day just to be sure as your safety is our top priority.
It brings me pleasure to post this Facility update with regards to our new and robust safety procedures. Keeping our community safe during this time is paramount. I want to give a big thank you to all the members that have already been cooperating with CFW’s revamped processes over the past few weeks. The success that we have seen is a team effort and to no surprise, we are seeing our amazing community stand strong as they regain power in everyone’s health goals!
As mentioned in our previous announcements, CFW will work diligently to better our processes to allow everyone to feel safe in the CFW environment. I would like to make mention of some facility updates and continual changes that our members can expect to see in the coming month of August.
- We have been seeing an average of 35 members in a day, which means our class average size is about 5 members per class. The busiest time has been seen in our 7pm class, which has been filled with lots of energy. With smaller class sizes, we have not seen the need of using all 3 sections of the gym
- For all our members that are taking some time before returning; we have provided a visual update of the floor layout to help you understand the set-up at CFW (see ACAD illustration below). We are staying quite distanced as you can see with the dots (workout stations) on the floor being quite far apart.
- Our schedule in August will keep the 30 minutes between classes, but at this time we want welcome all members (that feel comfortable of course) to utilize the 30 minute window as a time to catch up with other members. This will require the continued cooperation of members to wear face masks and stay the recommended distance apart, but feel free to hang around before/after your class in the communal tables during this time. We all miss each other and it feels good to have the odd catch up 🙂
- As classes begin to get busier, we will monitor that we are always under 50 people in our facility, but this is not a concern at this time as we have seen our numbers remain under 20% of the provincial capacity guidelines.
- Due to our class traffic that we have seen in the first 2 weeks, we will be putting a pause to the 6am class. This class is not being cancelled, but it will not appear in the August schedule. You can expect to see it again after the Labour Day weekend, once the summer schedules commence to go into the fall mode.
- Sanitation is a top concern for us, and as many have noticed our standard of cleaning has seen a drastic improvement and creates the new standard. A rigid deep cleaning will be scheduled on our closed days (Thursdays and Sundays) going forward.
- Our investment to the Fogger (seen above) has been essential to this process, but the success has been due to everyone’s efforts. Thank you again for cleaning up your equipment that is used, and feedback on improvements to the facility. If anyone wishes to know more about our Fogger/Vaporizer, here is a YouTube link:
- Paper towel dispensers will be installed in the coming days with more sprayer bottles to be readily available, which will help our current process.
- Hand sanitizer will be coming for members to use after their workouts on their way out.
Attending A Class Procedure
As a reminder, and for the members that have not returned for their first workout yet, I would like to make mention of some key points that will continue to help with our safety success at CFW.
- Sign up with MindBody (we must keep track of who enters the building) before attending a class.
- Enter through Crunch and sanitize your hands. You may exit safely through our back door if you like.
- Masks must be worn indoors. The Clock will be our indicator on when masks may be removed. If the clock is running in your class, then masks may be removed. If you do not feel safe about this, then feel free to continue wearing your mask.
- Come prepared by bringing enough water for your entire class, and by wearing your gym clothes to avoid change rooms.
- Arrive on time for your class (3-15 minutes early).
- Run outside or jump on a machine, to avoid running indoors for now.
- Foot bumps and Air Fives allowed, but keep the high fives and fist bumps tucked away.
- Clean up and wipe down anything you have touched after yourself, and check twice in case anything is forgotten.
- Feel free to chat/socialize around the tables, but please wear a mask.
- Use the cubby holes, with the labelled designated time slot to avoid cross contamination.
- Honour yourself and others by being patient and mindful of our surroundings.
- If you are not feeling well, stay at home.
- Keep social distance indoors at all times.
- Feel free to bring props for your workouts. This could include a yoga mat, gloves, liquid chalk, towel(s), or anything else that you like to help you feel further protected.
- Plan your route to CFW, as there is a lot of construction on Weber St.
We hope that all these measures CFW is taking can bring our community more comfort as we continue and progress our opening at CFW. Communication is the key to all relationships, so please feel free to share your thoughts to our team. You can look forward to the August Newsletter in the coming weeks.
Great job CFW Community,