THURSDAY // 5.26.2022
May 26, 2022
(1) WOD
For Time (25 min)
30/25 Calories
Dual KB Gorilla Rows
Staggered Push-ups
30/25 Calories
Bulgarian Squats
Dual KB Strict Press
30/25 Calories
Dual KB Russian Swings
Single Ring Horizontal Ring Pull-ups
Note: Focus moving well and with consistency. The intention of todays workout is to work on imbalances, so it’s okay if you complete more reps on one side than the other. Choose your weak side today and focus on improving coordination and stability on that side.
– Track time complete OR reps completed –
WEEK 8/8
You can find the CFW Intent video, WOD and At home workout on SugarWod, the #1 functional fitness app for athletes, coaches and affiliates. It’s free for CFW members!