THURSDAY // 11.25.2021
Nov 25, 2021
(1) WOD
Assault Bike or Row for 24 minutes
Every 2 minute interval complete:
1st (0:00) – 20+20 sec Side Plank
2nd (2:00)- 30 sec Tandem Stance Hold (Eyes open or closed)
3rd (4:00) – 8-12 Bent Over Flys
4th (6:00) – 3-5 Inverted Burpees
Note: For the tandem stance hold please start with a rombergs stance hold. Make sure you can hold the rombergs stance with your eyes closed before progressing to the tandem stance.
WEEK 9/12
You can find the CFW Intent video, WOD and At home workout on SugarWod, the #1 functional fitness app for athletes, coaches and affiliates. It’s free for CFW members! Click HERE for more info.